Terms of Use for photos, film and audio recordings and logos
By downloading the photos, film and audio recordings and graphic files provided here, you agree to the following Terms of Use.
Terms of use (Click here for further information.)
The photos, film and audio recordings and graphic files provided here for download, including the company name, event name, product brands and corresponding word and figurative marks (hereinafter "logo") of Messe Frankfurt GmbH and its affiliated companies pursuant to Section 15 of the German Stock Corporation Act (hereinafter "Messe Frankfurt") are protected by copyright and trademark laws and other German and international legal provisions. All rights of usage and exploitation are held by Messe Frankfurt GmbH.
These photos and recordings may be used free of charge for reporting on the event in question and/or on Messe Frankfurt. We would ask you to provide us with a specimen copy of any print media published, and to notify us of use in electronic media (website, newsletter etc.). All photos and recordings must include the source citation “Messe Frankfurt GmbH /in case of photos: Name of photographer”. No changes are permitted beyond modification to suit the required format. Any other use, particularly usage of a commercial nature, requires the prior written consent of Messe Frankfurt GmbH. Please refer to: press@messefrankfurt.com.
Worldwide use in all print and electronic media is permitted solely if you belong to one of the following groups of people:
a) registered exhibitors at the relevant Messe Frankfurt event to promote your own trade fair presence prior to or after the event
b) media as part of your editorial reporting of the relevant event and/or Messe Frankfurt
Logos shall be used in the best possible quality and in comparable prominence to other logos depicted. The logos shall always be on a white background. The white version is only to be used in exceptional cases if the background does not allow otherwise. The logos may not be:
- modified in terms of content or colour,
- added to,
- skewed, compressed, overturned, rotated, cut,
- distorted,
- retouched
- or otherwise modified or
- redesigned.

Proportional enlargement or reduction of the logos is permitted. However, free space must be kept between logos (minimum gap) and other design elements such as text, images or other brands. The gap around the company logo is two large squares on all sides. The reference size here is the large square of the figurative mark (logo). The free space around the event and service logos is one h-height on all sides of the logo.
It is not permitted to integrate the photos, film and audio recordings and graphics files in any media whose content violates legal provisions and/or public morality, i.e. in particular, violent or sexual content, as well as discriminatory, insulting or libellous statements with regard to race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.
The forwarding of downloaded graphics files to third parties is not permitted. Third parties are not deemed to include your own staff, freelance staff or service providers required for creation of the means of communication.
Messe Frankfurt may revoke its consent to the use of the logos e.g. in the event of breach of these Terms of Use.
Executive board

Exhibition grounds

Congress and event locations

Drone flight over the exhibition grounds
Longer sequence with background music.
Street of Nations, shuttle bus, Via Mobile, escalator Hall 3.
Eastern section: Hall 3 and Forum, Hall 5, Hall 4, Festhalle, Congress Center, aerial view of the entire eastern section.
Western section: Galleria entrance from outside, Galleria inside, Torhaus, facade of Hall 10 and Hall 11, architectural details of Hall 12, West Gate (Tor West) with Portalhaus entrance
Format: MP4. Length: 01:55 min. To download, please click on the icon at the buttom of the video.
Drone flight around the Torhaus
Short sequence with background music showing a flight around the Torhaus office building.
Format: MP4. Length: 00:06 min. To download, please click on the icon at the buttom of the video.
Drone flight: overview of the western section
Short music-backed sequence showing a flight around the western section of the exhibition grounds in Frankfurt.
Format: MP4. Length: 00:14 min. To download, please click on the icon at the buttom of the video.
Drone flight around Hall 12
Short music-backed sequence showing a flight around Hall 12 at the Frankfurt exhibition grounds.
Format: MP4. Length: 00:11 min. To download, please click on the icon at the buttom of the video.
Drone flight around and through the Galleria
Short music-backed sequence with a flight around and through the Galleria, our northern entrance structure.
Format: MP4. Length: 00:08 min. To download, please click on the icon at the buttom of the video.